ClujBike Map was developed in support to the ClujBike program.
This app gives you the latest status of all bike stations in Cluj-Napoca.
It comes in very handy when you need to quickly check that your pick-up or drop-off stations have bikes available and empty spaces respectively.
The station icons are based on a 'cold-normal-hot' axis where 'cold' means there are a few bikes available and up to 'hot' where are just a few empty spaces. In the settings section you can set these limits for yourself.
You also have quick access to the ClujBike's Call-Center by tapping Contact - Call Center.
The app requires an open internet connection and (optionally) access to your location.
Facebook - feedback and suggestions are welcomed via email or via the page
GitHub - also the app is open source, feel free to add any features and make a PR.
If you want a glimpse at the next update:
beta testing channel:
Special thanks: Radu Croitoru, Cristian Chidean
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